Category: Fineart

Self Portrait
Fineart Self Portrait
Self Portrait I decided to create a hole in one of my self portrait ! This is a collection of self portrait and my emotions. Sometimes, I feel familiar with myself, while at others, I feel like a stranger within my own skin. After taking photos of myself and editing them, I decided to create ...
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In a World of Imagination
Imagine face mask as a friend during covid-19 - In Fine art - stock photo
In a World of Imagination Fine Art Based on imagination! Fine Art
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My Life Story In a World of Imagination
My life as a painter - Photomontage - stock photo
My Life Story This collection of fine art photos tells the story of my life - painting, carpet design, and photography It was my childhood dream to become a painter, a dream I pursued into my youth. In one of my works, I pictured myself between my drawing notebooks and the paintings I've worked on ...
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